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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

All is “fair” in love and war…did you get the memo?

In a nutshell, in life you cannot blame somebody for acting in their own best interest. Love and war are the two endeavors that bring out the best and worst in people. Like a sneeze, they cannot be contained or controlled. Rules, laws and “fairness” are duly suspended in these circumstances. So lying, backstabbing, spying, espionage, bombing civilians, torture, treason and even stabbing ratchets in the eye with shanks fashioned out of your tooth brush are considered fair play. You are basically fucked if you opt to take any of these options off the table because your opponent has no obligation to comply with your moral codes.

So what does one do when Jezebel herself aggressively and persistently hits on your partner knowing full well that she is in a committed relationship? I do mean Jezebel in the Biblical sense; exquisite beauty where all ratchet behavior descended from! 

The woman is drop dead! God must have basted her in quail egg... if curves could kill; her face is #nofilters, gorgeous hair that has probably never had “dandras” as my people call dandruff.  She’s smart to be in a particular line of work and earning that amount of money being that young! She is independent and efficient. Basically what all young women want to be, all men want to take home and all lesbians want to take nauseating love selfies with AND she wants your woman. She wants her so bad; enough to invite her over to her whoredom and bend over in her thong, exposing her glorious clappers! Oh you have seen porn start less obviously. This is the stuff butt sex wet dreams are made of.  It gets worse; your partner seems to relish 
the attention.

Getting hit on by a demi-goddess, oh who wouldn’t be flattered? It is understandable! You are even flattered on her behalf. The fact that you are attracted to your woman doesn’t rule out that other people might also see what you see in her. Goes to show you have a gem! And attraction to beautiful women…is a cock jerk reaction.  So, you cannot really resent her for that. Up to this point, your woman has been fairly open and honest about these advances, you trust her not to shove her fist down the cookie jar. When do you draw the line? What is the reasonable thing to do?

Do you give a hall pass? It’s just sexual attraction…for now. But you do know how delayed gratification works. Denied desire only intensifies it; when the inevitable comes around it will have morphed from attraction to feelings and well you’re fucked…or not! Let them flush those whoremones from their systems and hope Jezebel sucks in the sack…and not the good kind of suck.

Be a sitting a duck. The green-eyed monster has certainly no place in your relationship, it just shows you’re insecure and insecurity is not attractive. So, suck it up and wait for your partner to do something about it. She is your woman, not your possession. And it’s not your place to tell off Jezebel. It is up to your girlfriend to respect you and your relationship enough to shut it down. You are only responsible for your actions, feelings and reactions and not your woman’s or Jezebel’s.

Do you wonder whether you’re not filling your partner’s plate as good as you thought you were? Probably ask her why she even gives Jezebel the time of day then polish up on your game. Life is not about finding yourself but recreating yourself…through plastic surgery but let’s face it, the only way you could get any hotter is if you threw yourself in an active volcano!
Take Mother Nature’s advice and engage the offending party in a duel…to the death!!

Do nothing…let it run its course and exorcise whatever resentments that may threaten to surface in the future. A reasonable person does not control her partner’s friendships or diminish their connections based on her own prejudices and emotions. Doing nothing does not mean there is a welcome mat where your spine used to be or you having the emotional range of a turtle…maybe you do. It is simply a case of choosing not to emotionally wound yourself over other peoples’ actions; pick your battles. All is fair in love and war and vae victis…in layman’s terms losers’ weepers.

Okay you shades, “vae victis” is Latin for woe to the vanquished!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

coming out with butt stuff...

closet things

So I put the FML in family recently when I invited the wolf over to my house with my family for Christmas. One week…it went fairly well, or so I thought. Few days after she left, I was in the living room with my mother, watching Oprah. Out of thin air came…  

 “So who is that girl to you? Honestly? She is not just your friend; you were very attentive and affectionate towards her all week…blah blah. My daughter does not like people…but there was something about her, you were different. Are you lesb…are you in a relationship with her? I do not want to investigate or judge your sex life; sexuality is different for everyone...blah blah… I’m asking as a mother. Are you dating her?”

My reply to ALL that *CRICKETS*

I am not ready to open that can of worms with my mother. She couldn’t even say “lesbian” without choking on the word. I do not think she is ready either. She is random, ridiculous and unpredictable and until I’m ready to have that conversation with her, wolf, whom she will never see again is my best friend…or any other woman I might take fancy to in the distant future. The closet is quite cosy…even though she can see me through the transparent glass sides.

“I once heard Oprah was in a relationship with another woman… (Trails off)”

Oh my Lord all those times we watched Ellen DeGeneres…Please don’t say Ellen!  I reach for the remote to change the channel only to land on Queen Latifah’s talk show. *mental cringe FML!  Meanwhile I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop. I hope she doesn’t tell my grandmother…or father.

PS: my mother is not the only person who thinks I am cold, distant and dislike people. My very close friends ask me if I am drunk when I go all mushy and rainbows on them. I think not…OMG you guys I AM ADORABLE! Air hugs!

Speaking of not judging, rim jobs!! Every time I bring up the controversial butt sex topic, my wolf says “Pause, I’m not that gay!” then I laugh and say “maybe we are not there yet”. Truth is…the day she says she’s open to it; I will probably freak the fuck out!  I do not think I’m that I am butt sex gay either…not to that degree. That’s a hard limit for me.

 HOW? Leave alone individuals in exclusive monogamous happily ever after s. How do people or better yet women, give rim jobs to casual lays and strangers…like men, for example? Man musk can get pretty potent…How do you get your delicate nose probing a man’s bum hole? All up in his warm, musty & hairy ass crack that probably smells like baked crotch and balls fart! With his nut suck hanging right there, probably grazing your chin as it swings back and forth. Moaning like the mitch he most definitely is! Where do you get the sheer will to put your tongue on strange man-arse? What if he loses control and lets rip a horrendous, eye smarting, blast of flatulence right up your mouth? My walls are crawling just from asking these questions. This is why I do not think you can influence any straight man to have gay sex…he wants to rim a guy he will, because he loves it!

I would be too self-aware, nervous and extremely uncomfortable to let someone sniff around back there. If it ever happens…I would have had an enema, waxed… whatever stray hair resides there and if anybody asks I was drugged and hog tied on the table…held at knife point.

I’m not here to judge or ruin it for the gay men, saysbians, bisexuals and basically all sexual liberals out there. If it tickles your fancy, bury your face in it! I hear it gets pretty addictive!
crack can be good...dont listen to me!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Happy New Year!!!! and my birthday blues are a year older...

I was in born in December. Fantastic month but for some reason I have started dreading my name day. Why? For starters my family do not acknowledge birthdays. For the others…friends, barely remember unless they logged on to face book and meeeeeh!  

  I certainly do not want to be the boob that goes around reminding people of my birthday. And where do you look when people sing you that happy birthday song…at them; dead in the eye? Do you sing along? Grin sheepishly? Then feeling like I haven’t accomplished anything and I’m running out of time…inching closer to death. will my hoohah dry up? Gah! My birthday makes me feel awful and alone. I’m over it!

Lessons/recap 2013 and resolutions for 2014…yes of course.

1)    I do not need a thicker skin; i need to avoid situations/people that seem to enjoy scarring it.

2)    I shouldn’t do anything that doesn’t feel good to my soul.

3)    Just because you know better doesn’t guarantee you’ll do better!

4)   It’s better to actually be intelligent than to pretend you are by wearing nonprescription glasses.

5)    To watch less of Kardashians and bored rich housewives because I cannot afford to hate society more than I actually do at the moment.

6)    Crazy just like energy never dies; it’s constantly moving…transforming so just keep bobbing and weaving.

7)    Kimnye’s selfie that nearly broke the internet! Despite being balls to the wall crazy…I would love to bang Miley Cyrus with those j's on her feet! #IJS and bound 2 was the worst video ever!! *cringe *gag. I wanted to cut off my ears and cover my eyeballs with them just so i couldn't see the video a second longer..smh kimnye

8)  Always look left and right when crossing the road because sometimes people cut brake lines. (I fell in the middle of the road in December…the kind of fall that makes onlookers wince and go “OOOH sorry” in a rare collective urban vote of sympathy! So mortifying!)

9)    Do not burn bridges if there is a chance you’ll want to go back. Home. 

10) Dance because you’re drunk at a party, not because “no one is watching”. Everyone is watching! That’s how parties work!

11)  I inadvertently outed myself to my mother…I’m still reeling from that so maybe I’ll dissect that on my next post! 

12) Those odd awkward humans that you pluck from obscurity are the ones with potential to make your life spectacular and colorful.

13)  SAYSBIANS (somebody who says they are lesbian but only seems to have sex with men) and BEERSEXUALS (lady who engages in Sapphic activities only under the influence) WILL FUCK YOU UP A GOOD ONE! Be warned.

14)  My safe word is ice cream because everyone screams for ice cream!

15)  If a woman says she is fine…do not take her word for it. Use your decoder ring to decipher what disaster is brewing beneath the surface

16) Game of thrones is releasing 2 back to back seasons this year! I intend to live long enough to watch them

17)  Love is a gift. Being nice doesn’t cost much. Be positive. Happy New Year! I still hate my birthday though!