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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Who died and made you GOD?

Religion is a central element in civilization that propagates basic values and ethical codes which provide integration to personality and cohesion to society. It plays an important role in the society.  This, unfortunately, is gradually turning into an excuse to exercise appalling barbarity. “If Christ was here, there is one thing he would not be; a Christian.”-Mark Twain- (he was an atheist eh?)

I do not want to stereotype a vast and diverse segment of the world population, but from personal experience…those who purport to be staunch “saved” Christians are the meanest pricks out there.  Have they always been this harsh, judgmental and intolerant and am I just starting to notice? Is Christianity deteriorating into a phony empty and hollow to the core religion? 

Who are these Christians? You pose that question.
These Christians who practice selective morality, where what suits them  and is palatable they cling to like saran wrap and shove down other people’s throats then ignore silently what is  obnoxious, inconvenient or self  denying. Excuse: applicable only to people who lived 2000 years ago. These bible thumping Christians, who will test you and wear you down to a few vertebrae and a pool cerebral spinal fluid, with randomly crammed verses to appear more superior in knowledge of God’s word. These Christians who give to the poor to be recognized by fellow men…posting your visit to children homes photos on every social site you can find.

Let one with no sin cast the first stone? That verse has obviously been omitted in most of your holy books. Born again Christians, quick to condemn sexual immorality (homosexuality) but are not too concerned about their lust. I will stay on this…obviously. If I can remember from my scanty knowledge of the bible, it says, ALL sex outside marriage is a sin. It doesn't matter if you have a long time “saved” boyfriend/girlfriend, you’re divorced, widowed or having same sex relations. It’s all sin and no sin is greater than the other. So where do these Christians get off calling homosexuals all sorts of derogatory unprintable filth in the name of “hating the sin, not the sinner.” Treating animals better than fellow human beings. Appointing yourselves as judge, jury and executioner. WHO DIED AND MADE YOU GOD?

You act like you are immune to wrong doing and sin. One barely sees past the huge mahogany logs jutting out of their eyes but they can clearly see the speck in their neighbors’ eye? Eh? Do not lie to us boss; you go on putting emphasis on the tiniest of religious details and ignore the most important and basic truths that this Christ you claim has saved you taught: love for God, secondly love for your neighbor. 

I do not go to church. I did not like it every time I tried. What with people prancing in like show ponies; cliques, I kid you not, like high school. The preaching of two faced idealism then passing these teachings off as “God’s personal feelings” (God hates fags). The intense focus on getting converts which ended up making me feel like a target to fulfill a quota rather than a spiritually impoverished human being. Being guilt tripped from here to Timbuktu about getting “saved” or baptized. What of the speaking in tongues, barking, holy laughter, convulsing and all that jazz…its loud, confusing, I can barely hear my own petition with all that going on and its arrogant to assume that certain spiritual experiences make you  better than everybody else . Pride: one of the seven deadly sins. It’s okay to be proud to be a Christian, but not en route to a put-down of your neighbor; “I am saved because of it but you are headed straight for hell to burn in sulfur and brimstone*smirks*.” All that and etcetera was enough to turn me off worldly churches and into my personal quiet time to commune with God without secondhand dilution by some middleman with an agenda.

I am calling on all of you to question the validity of calling yourselves Christians.  Where is the problem? Is your faith something you were born into; you know how to act, what to say but it wasn’t your choice, consequently it’s not real? Do you view your faith as intellectual knowledge and behavioral compliance, where you follow all the given rules and regulations (loopholes) but your hearts do not reflect that? Sowing seeds of tribalism and homophobia wherever you step, that shit is not cool. You are risking peoples’ lives, especially those who are in support of that Ugandan bill where homosexuality is punishable by death if that bill is passed. Non Christians seem nice and more caring than you lot; probably because their consciences are stronger and clearer.

Nothing seems to faze you though; your life is secure in heaven. Who gives a flying rat’s arse eh? At this point those suicide bombing jihadist people are looking pretty good from here. They actually give up their lives for what they believe in…they die and go away. We are stuck with this brand of mean spirited hypocritical cunts day in day out, with all that hate, negativity and judgment.

Jesus Christ simplified it for all of us. LOVE. Spread that gospel this election season, won’t you?